Today the fastest & the best Ideas Win. That is our golden rule. And we see Winning as a

satisfying challenge.

SOX CAPITAL structure is vertical, so everyone in the lane has opportunity to share its own

judgment and solution of the problem. Synergy has helped us long way in finding the right

Investment solutions.

We believe in solid grounds. We believe in firm construction. That way, our principles consist


CONSTANT EDUCATION – Primarily, education of our employees. Both theoretical and


Also The education of our clients. Transparent processes of analyzing the market, gathering

the management forces, and together as a team, propounding the best solution for client.

FUTURE – We believe in technology. And find it inevitable as part of any successful B2C &

B2B today. We plant and span the global presence everyday. And we invest in the future by

innovating our technology and theoretical models.


We are highly aware of the importance of safe environment and are committed to using our

resources responsibly on global level.

Knowledge. Experience. Responsibility. Trust. Commitment. Social issues. Openness.


That is what differs us in the market, and ensures maximum SHAREHOLDER VALUE.